Wednesday, October 29, 2008


8 TV Shows I Love to Watch:

1. King of Queens
2. Everybody Loves Raymond
3. America's Next Top Model
4. Court TV
5. Any Game Show
6. Nanny 911
7. Rachel Ray
8. ER

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:

1. Was up and ready by 10:00 am ( All 3 of US)
2. Took Addi to the Dr
3. Went to my Mother-in-Laws
4. Met Zach for Lunch
5. Worked
6. Went to Old Navy and bought Addi a Trick-or-Treat Bag
7. Played with Kohen
8. Put Kohen to Bed

8 Favorite Places to Eat:

1. Lorena's
2. Costa Azul
3. Olive Garden
4. Timbermine
5. Outback
6. P.F. Changs
7. Red Robin
8. The Madrin

8 Things that I am Looking Forward To:

1. Graduation Day for Zach
2. Quitting my JOB
3. Just being a MOM
4. Moving to Egypt
5.Going to School
6. Not Driving so Far to Work
7. Trip to Arizona in a Month
8. Having only 1 child in diapers

8 Things on my Wish List:

1. My MOM to be Cancer Free
2. My niece to be Healthy and Cancer Free
3. More KIDS (someday)
4. For my Kids to Never Grow Up
5. A More FIT me
6. Everybody in my family to be Happy and Healthy
7. Traveling
8. a Fairy God Mother

8 People I tag:

1. Kristen
2. Abby
3. Holly
4. Natalie
5. Anna
6. Kellie
7. Carrie
8. Liz

1 Love Notes:

Jodi said...

I like the fairly godmother idea...let me know how that works out for you!