Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Final Diagnosis...ECOLI

After a long 2 weeks of Dr's appointments, TONS of throw up and poop, 3 or 4 trips to the ER, a deep gut feeling that something isn't right, we finally figured out that my sweet baby has ECOLI....I know you are all asking yourself....How does a baby get ECOLI? Well, it lives all around us. She probably got it from a grocery cart. Lesson learned clean the carts off a little better than you usually do.

Addi and Kohen have been so sick for the last 2 weeks. I took them both to the Dr and they kept telling me it is ROTO Virus, just wait it out and they will get better. Last Tuesday night, I put Kohen to bed and within seconds he was screaming MOMMY. I knew that something was not right. I took one look at him and I knew that I needed to take him in. I called my mom to come sit with Addi. I called my sister to see if she would come with me to the U of U Emergency Room. Primary's did nothing for us. On the way I called my brother, Jared to see if he would meet us to give Kohen a blessing. We all met and waited and waited and WAITED. Finally at 1:00am we were called back...only to wait about 2 more hours. FINALLY a nurse came in to do blood work and hook my little boy up to IV's. He was dehydrated and had a bacteria infection from the steroid shot that he had gotten a week before. He was a little trooper and did so well during the whole thing. We were discharged at about 5:30 the next morning. My sister and brother stayed with me the whole time and my mom was tossing and turning worring about Kohen. What a wonder that IV fluids and antibiotics can do. Kohen is doing great...we HOPE!

I took my kids in to see Dr. Sigg for weight checks....Addi and Kohen had lost 2 pounds. My sweet Addi weighed in at 11.15 pounds. This is critical for her, Kohen was OK. So, Here I am off to Primary Children's again for blood work and IV's. We got there sure enough to be hooked up to IV's and to have every test done possible. How sad to see all that she went through. I think it is always harder on the mom. She did AWESOME. They did a stool sample and sent us home. I thought that all was good, so I went back to work on Saturday to come home to a message that Addi had an infection and I needed to get to the nearest ER...so back to Primary's we went for more blood work and IV's. She has Ecoli. We are keeping a VERY close watch on her and she is getting better. This has been a long couple of weeks, but I could not have made it through without my mom, Kristen, and Kim. I cannot believe how much help that I have received. I am so grateful for family and more importantly that my kids are getting better. Thanks to everyone for your thoughs and prayers.

2 Love Notes:

Dawn said...

Becky that's terrible. I can't believe what you've been through. I'm glad to hear they are doing better. Your kids are so cute and you are the best mom! Hang in there!! See ya next month!

Cory and Holly said...

Are you kidding me? How do you guys pick up all these weird things? I can't say much, I just got back from the doctor with Cody, he had a tick!!! gross! Hope you guys are all better now! When can we come play?