Saturday, May 24, 2008

Meeting Milestones

WE FINALLY DID IT!!! Zach has been gone 1 week....but who is counting. We only have 9.5 left until he is home. We CANNOT wait. I took Kohen to his 2 year appointment...on Thursday. Him and Addi have both been sick...Kohen weighing in at 27 lbs and 34"...95% for height and 75% for weight. He is doing great. Dr. Sigg asked him all of the animal sounds and names...he did great, he pointed to all of his body parts...he did great, and he even counted to 10, only missing #7. He is such a fun little boy, doing great, other than him and Addison were diagnosed with Roto virus....NOT SO FUN. I have been cleaning up throw-up and poop for the last 3 days with both of them. It is so sad to see your kids sick and laying around. Kohen wakes up every morning and tells me that he threw-up at Kristen's. (My sister-in-law that takes care of them while Zach is away.) We love Aunt Kristen..she has also been cleaning up throw-up and poop for my kids and hers.

Addison came in weighing 13 lbs 15 oz. 10 pounds up from birth. We are so excited and proud of her. She is doing great and over the sickness...just a LITTLE on the spoiled side, just ask Grandma Brockman. She is so fun, sitting up, and rolling all over the place. She really wants to crawl, but hates being on her belly. She sits on her bum and rocks. It is so funny. Zach was trying to get her to say DA DA before he left, she is a little on the stubborn side...NOT MY DAUGHTER. The day after he left she has not stop saying DA DA DA...she is a little performer and talks to Zach on the phone. What a great life these 2 little stinkers have brought to us. Ups and downs, good times and sad. We are so blessed to have these little munchkins. We love them so much.

For me, this has been a little on the difficult side being a single parent. This is my 3rd summer without Zach, somehow I thought not being pregnant would make this so much easier, WRONG. I feel like this is one of my biggest trials. Kohen and Addi defiantly keep me on my toes and bring smiles everyday, but this is hard. I feel so bad for them that they have been sick. I took Kohen in the Dr again this morning. I knew that he had croup and sure enough he did. He is a little trooper, and a good little patient. It breaks my heart to leave them when they are sick. I know that they are in good hands. Thanks mom!!! My sister often tells me that I won't be given anything that I can't handle, I know that she is right. Just when you think life is so hard and you can't take another seem to meet someone that has it a little bit harder than you, or is a little worse off. I am so thankful for my trials, and that I can comfort myself through prayer. I am so thankful for family and the gospel. They are true blessings in my life. I am thankful for the mission that I served, it truly taught me endurance. I know that this shall pass too. I miss Zach so much and I can't wait for the day that I get to pick him up at the airport. He is a great husband and my best friend. I miss and love you so much Zach!!

2 Love Notes:

Dusty said...

Oh Becky I am so sorry that your kids have been so sick. Did they get the vaccine for Roto Virus? They are both so cute and you are a great mom. Can't wait to see you guys this summer. Hang in there as a single mom. I love your positive attitude.

Alan and Abby said...

You are so amazing. One of the strongest people I know. I hope the kids feel better soon and you can get some rest!