Wednesday, August 6, 2008

GerRRaRd CaMpInG TrIp 2008

Isabelle and Kohen after throwing DiRt at each other

Kohen and Daddy

Mommy and Kohen..he could Not get enough RiDes

Cute Addi with Papa

Addi after playing in the dirt

A couple of Days after Zach got home, we headed into the Uintas with his family for a ReaLLy FuN 4 DaY campiNg TrIp. The Weather was GREaT, The ComPanY was FUn and Grandma and Papa did a GReat job with the Food and EntertaInment....(side Note..Addi decided that she was done with baby food and Bottles the day we arrived...great timing...)

1 Love Notes:

Dawn said...

Looks like a blast! I'm so glad Zach is back home with you. I'm also flattered to here that Kohen speaks of me. What a CUTE kid!! We had soooooo much fun with you guys, hope to get together again soon?? Thanksgiving??? Love ya!