Thursday, October 2, 2008

AdDiSon'S FiRsT OwiE

Addi had her first owie today..she slipped and bit her lip, drew blood and was a little trooper. Through it all she still had a smile..

5 Love Notes:

The Bingham's said...

Oh so sad those first owies. Then after that they just seem non stop!!

Stacie said...

How cute is she, Becky? Oh my gosh she is a doll!

Stacie said...

oh how funny, I just noticed yout tagged me on that high school thing! OH man, I guess I have to do it then, huh. stay tuned, beck!

KT and Lance said...

Amazing how kids bounce off of things, and hardly get phased by it! They are tuff little cookies! She is a doll!

kelsey said...

Ow! That looks like it hurt. Glad she was a trooper though.